Historical success stories and case studies in major Geographies

Radiology Department work flow Implementation in QICS, USA


Workflow Intelligence Quality Workflows bridges communication gaps with a comprehensive view of the enterprise healthcare workflow.

This radiology workflow solution automates quality and regulatory workflows — from the clinician to the ER physician and beyond — by removing manual processes and clumsy workarounds. It connects disparate applications, eliminates communication barriers and tailors workflows to your unique site needs.

PeerVue's QICS (qualitative intelligence and communication system) is a single-platform system that helps automate workflow for closed-loop communications, integrated patient care and strategic healthcare business management. Peer Review, ED discrepancies, teaching files, PQRS alerting and coding discrepancies are among the dozens of solutions that QICS can automate directly into a picture archiving and communication system (PACS).

Business Need (Challenges identified)

Radiology is facing challenges due to the changing trends in healthcare including increasing competition and vendor consolidation. Radiology groups are required to read exams with products from multiple PACS vendors. The fragmentation of different PACS often lead to frequent manual intervention, missed turnaround times and service level agreements (SLA), and patient safety risks. What if a radiologist could read for all PACS systems from a single worklist? The major challenge is lack of visibility and control of the system and to become more efficient in an inefficient environment. If users have multiple PACS systems and require multiple applications to complete their work, reading and performing their required tasks can be inefficient and sometimes unmanageable. Users may lack the ability to prioritize effectively and be prone to missing important cases and urgent requests.

If a system lacks integration across multiple business entities and workflow consolidation, manual steps are often required to coordinate prioritization and assignment of studies and tasks. Another factor that can slow work down is geographically distributed reading environments. These environments can result in distributed specialists and system resources, making it difficult to optimize study assignments and bandwidth.

An inefficient workflow makes it difficult for radiologists to do their job. Organizations strive to put the right case in front of the right doctor at the right time — which is better business health and better patient care.

How we solved it

peerVue’s workflow intelligence – QICS is a flexible rules-driven and vendor neutral workflow orchestration and enterprise worklist solution. The solution offers health systems the ability to create effective workflows across the organization and offers radiologists the ability to easily access all interpretation, quality and communication tasks, when integrated with the appropriate PACS from a single worklist. A better workflow enables radiologists to be more efficient and effective. With systems working together, multi-facility, multi-system organization can help optimize their resources and workload effectively. Using intelligent rules in an intelligent system can help organizations automate prioritization, task escalation and critical task alerts. Our solution helped to resolve the challenges of inefficiency and under-utilization of resources from working on multiple PACS. Regardless of PACS, we can open a study directly from the originating PACS and perform diagnostic interpretation using the originating PACS viewer to deliver a complete picture of work to be done in a unified enterprise worklist.

The inherent flexibility in QICS has allowed the radiologist to build and adapt workflows to their own unique needs and helps them to quickly adapt to the changing regulatory requirements. And QICS helps to make communication more effective, by understanding their end goal; QICS can be adapted to any workflow or communication need.

What the Client Achieved

  • Making effective use of available resources.
  • Presenting right case in front of the right doctor at the right time.
  • Intelligent work flow – one workstation, one worklist
  • Radiologist will be able to know their performance by comments and scores from the other reviewing radiologist.
  • QICS makes interdepartmental communication so much more efficient; whether it is radiologist to technologist, to a colleague or to a physician outside of radiology
  • Work can be assigned based on predefined rules (e.g. availability and subspecialty )
  • Assign and re-assign priority and escalate studies based on turnaround time and service level agreements
  • Systematically assign task to a group or individual user
  • Consolidate all tasks across multiple PACS to deliver a complete picture of work to be done
  • Integrated communication tools
  • Support for multiple PACS and multi-vendor PACS environments

Note: A single team spends around 9+ years to develop the system. Now 300+ clients for the system and finally McKesson (a billion dollar company) acquired it.

An Actionable Tool to Build, Launch and Grow a Customer Community, Higher Logic- USA

higher logic

Social media has undoubtedly gained an increasing role in the business community. For any organization, the importance of social media is right up there with any other marketing strategy. However, are there reasons for business executives to have their own presence on social networks? The answer is a resounding, YES. If our organization is on social media, we should be too.

Higher Logic products bring the organization and their people together. And when that happens, the customers and members become invested, their experience improves, and the organization makes better decisions based on user-generated data.

Customer success starts with building a network of engaged customers. Each of Higher Logic products takes members and customers beyond traditional engagement to create frictionless, loyal connections – anytime, anywhere.

Business Need (Challenges identified)

The word “customer community” includes the quality of distinctiveness- a quality important to consider when building any kind of community. Although it can certainly take on many shapes and forms, an online community is one where customers are invited to come together to collaborate, learn and discover more about our products and services, their peers, and even themselves. Community members will not be satisfied with just any experience, but a distinctive and original experience that allows everyone to better function, create and innovate.

Creating a solid foundation for which to bring people together and get them engaged under a common interest. Launching a customer community is a building process- we need good tools and need to learn the best ways to use them. Just like making anything for the first time, building our community can feel overwhelming or uncertain, especially in the early stages of development.

How we solved it

Higher Logic created the Customer engagement tool to help to jump- start our customer community and set actionable goals. Organizations worldwide use Higher Logic to bring like-minded people all together, by giving their community a home where they can meet, share ideas, answer questions and stay connected.

Higher Logic aims to empower engagement, collaboration and community evolution, which we believe are the fundamental elements to the long-term relevance of any organization. By fostering community growth, you can open up a world of possibility. Tap into the power your community can generate for you.

Higher Logic products facilitate idea sharing and connections – amongst members, customers, prospects and the organization. Guide them through a personalized journey with community, where each small step creates stronger engagement and deeper loyalty. Better engagement gives both you and your members a wealth of knowledge and resources. Every interaction with our products generates information – which we make easy for you to track and integrate with various products and services.

Online Communities

An online community gives your customers, members and prospects a secure and interactive location to engage and build value. Provide faster, better response times for your users, and while improving loyalty and increasing retention.

Volunteer Management

Our Volunteer Management platform makes it easy to find, track and reward volunteer engagement. This flexible system helps organizations personalize every member’s volunteer journey, accelerating their levels of engagement.

Customer Advocacy Management

Customers are the foundation of any company’s success. Our Customer Advocacy Management platform simplifies the process of turning your passionate customers into brand advocates at every level, from recognition programs to automating advocacy and effectively tracking activities.

Small Org Web Management

Use our Small Org Web Management solution to build a compelling website that supports your organization’s mission and goals, while empowering your members to interact and share industry insights with our built-in community tools.

Event Communities

Our Event Communities platform is the perfect way to build engagement throughout an event – attendees can interact at any time, helping you build momentum, increase engagement and ultimately expand event relevancy.

What the Client Achieved

  • Became the proven leader in cloud-based community platforms, bringing passionate people together
  • Higher Logic is an industry leader in cloud-based community platforms, with over 25 million engaged members in more than 200,000 communities
  • Giving the customers, members, and prospects a secure and interactive location to engage, improve loyalty and build value
  • Higher logic able to achieve their clients’ strategic business goals
  • Proving the clients’ value to their constituencies
  • Ensuring the ongoing success of their client’s site

Note: Higher Logic supports over 25 million users in more than 200,000 communities by providing solutions that grow customer base and increase retention.

Online Census/Survey System AdCensus, Statistics Centre -Abu Dhabi

statistics centre

Abu Dhabi Census 2011 aims to provide official statistics and build an updated database on the population of the Abu Dhabi Emirate, both UAE nationals and expatriates, living in cities, towns, suburbs and rural areas of the Emirate’s three regions, including Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the Western Region. The census will provide information and statistics that will help decision makers in Abu Dhabi to develop all sectors including education, health and services among others. It will also support the Abu Dhabi government's pursuit to deliver the highest standards of living to the community.

ADCensus is a new online Census/survey system and toolkit that would facilitate more effective gathering and analysis of research data, including sophisticated statistical analysis and graphical representation of results in real time. It will provide data regarding the population and housing characteristics of individuals and families at the regional level. It will also provide information which can be used in the development of a framework for future social and household surveys.

Business Need (Challenges identified)

The major challenge is the total process of collecting, processing, tabulation and dissemination of digital data coverage, without omission or duplication.

The project represents the largest statistical field operation ever carried out in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and derives its significance from the fact that secures detailed data on:

  • Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the population.
  • Composition and conditions of households.
  • Statistics and characteristics of building.

Automate all the procedures used for data collection - buildings, households and establishments, using advanced latest technologies. The Control Panels data will be updated automatically. The information should be collected with less human intervention and the data should be processed centrally. Locate and communicate with the field staff (enumerators) which are in different geographical regions in a timely manner, record their data and save it centrally. Need to send necessary forms to collect data.

One of the major challenge is the full protection of data confidentiality and online communication with the field staff in a timely manner. The statistical reports also should be carried out effectively and efficiently.

How we solved it

ADCensus - an application to manage and conduct demographical survey using mobility devices such as IPad and Android. The administrators and supervisors will manage the survey process through back office and the Enumerators can collect the census data using IPads and Android devices. The ADCensus application is capable of supporting 4000+ users in the field. All the data collected through the mobility devices will be synchronized to the central repository.

The system has mainly four modules - Back Office Application, IPAD Survey Application, GIS Service and Android Survey Application. The Back office module will be used by Administrator, Head Office Administrators/Users, Regional office administrators/ users, Branch office administrators/ Users and Supervisors based on their permissions. The hierarchy as well as the roles and permissions are customizable. The Survey application is mainly used by Enumerators, but can be used by everyone in the organization based on their permission. The survey information collected can be reviewed and updated through the Back Office Application. GIS Service provides GIS map and data information to Back Office, Survey modules and enables tracking from GIS database.

This online dynamic survey solution offers a wide range of out-of-the-box features that allows the companies/governments to conduct the survey of the buildings, units or the people in the units. It is easier for the survey administrators / controllers / supervisors to assign work areas to the enumerators, who will be actually conducting the survey. The Census is conducted using the IPad and the data is synced to the back office. Also the system is integrated with GIS to display detail maps of the survey areas for the enumerators.

What the Client Achieved

  • The Abu Dhabi Census collected information about everyone present and/or usually resident in the Emirate on the year 2011. The data collected in the Census will provide population indicators which will give government agencies and other users a firm basis for development and monitoring
  • The project also created the base frame for sample designs for future social and household surveys
  • In addition to using innovative enumeration technologies, such as iPads, during the census, SCAD has been advanced to the development of inventive and flexible tools for disseminating the rich census data. The primary aim of the 2011 Abu Dhabi Census output
  • Abu Dhabi government was able to make large amounts of census data available to users via online statistical tools
  • The on-line thematic mapping tool allows the user to quickly see census data represented geographically

Note: SCAD were the first people to take an initiative to conduct the survey using mobility devices. The survey was conducted by Abu Dhabi government during September – October 2011 with 3000 Enumerators using ADCensus application. The survey was a huge success and there were around 20 lakhs of records populated in the central database using IPads.

M2M Communication Platform


RMCPlus is a special type of GSM modem. It operates through the existing channels of telecommunication networks just like the other GSM Modems, without using any packages of SMS or GPRS. It doesn’t require the monthly service packages, so the cost will be reduced considerably. rmConnect can transfer the data in the absence of internet and GPRS. Also it is compatible to use all the existing communication technologies. It connect with Serial Data Port, General Purpose I/O Ports, Analogue Data Ports, On-board EEPROM and RTC and RMC API services. Some of the use cases are Smart Home, Smart Metering, Smart Power Backups, and IOT Applications.

A remote monitoring tool used to monitor the activities of remote instruments and computers, it works without internet or GPRS. A remote controlling/remote access tool rmCPlus module supports remote access to any device, any time without using an IP address. It can open a peer to peer connection any time on demand. The channel can be used rmCPlus Network Technology for updating a set of parameters or configuring a machine from a distant place. It saves 100% on static IP charges. It also provides a reliable channel to operate any machinery at any time from a remote location. Integration with RF modules to form smart connected networks rmcPlus can be interfaced with RF modules. It helps to collect data from different local machines. The data collected can be transmitted to rmConnect over RF channel and a group of independent RF modules.


  • SMS based system, Internet based systems, combination of WiFi, Dialup and leased line, GPRS based systems for M2M connection.
  • Even through Wifi, GPRS, SMS system are available M2M data communication is still an untapped areas which is almost 65%.
  • Not feasible to provide internet for each equipment and additional cost for static IP.
  • Recurring monthly data charges and connectivity issues.

Solution/Business Model

“rmC+” is an innovative technology that can be easily plugged into any device, which enables it to communicate over GSM without using Internet. rmC+ simplifies Machine to Machine communication & remote management.


  • rmC+ is a proprietary communication technology which transfers data over GSM without SMS, Internet, GPRS, static IP or dynamic IP
  • rmC+ drastically reduces the cost of operation in remote management
  • rmC+ drastically reduces the cost of operation in remote management
  • rmC+ provides a stepping stone for remote monitoring

Areas of Application

M2M (Machine to Machine Communication), Smart Metering, IoT (Internet of Things), Automobile Industry, Remote Sensing, Remote Diagnostics etc.

Customer needs

Service RMC Power Smart Lightening
Year 1 8% 30% 54% 8%
Year 2 18% 26% 34% 22%
Year 3 36% 26% 21% 17%
Year 4 30% 30% 20% 20%

Marketing - What will be your message to users

  • Watch, Monitor and manage your product/services 24*7 without human intervention
  • Automate your service
  • Implement Intelligence with RMC+
  • Next Generation Communication system in the M2M space

Industry & competitors

Leading Manufacturers Itron, Elster Group, GE, Schneider, Seimens, ICSA India Philips, Cisco, Osram, Telensa, Schréder, Bajaj , GE, Havells, Solar Log, SolarEdge, SMA, ABB, Digi-Key, Logic Energy.

All these companies use methods for M2M are GSM/GPRS, Internet, Ethernet communications Data Communication with diagnostic systems (TCP/IP, OPC UA, SMTP) Satellite, Dailup, Wifi, RF based systems etc.

We are here to provide services to M2M with RMC+ without internet/GPRS/SMS/Static IP.

Our capability of RMC+ Data communication on M2M space creates us a unique company and we compete and complement with manufacturers with RMCplus.

Anticipated value

  • $18.2 Billion by 2020 for Smart Metering
  • $8.14 Billion by 2020 for Smart Lightening
  • $75.2 Billion by 2017 for Solar Energy

Current Technology for M2M space is GPRS/Internet/Ethernet Communication, TCP/IP, OPC UA, SMTP, Wifi, Satellite, Dialup system.

We replace with these techniques and same time compatible with all these technology/techniques as well.

Online Census / Survey System and toolkit


Scad were the first people to take an initiative to consuct the survey using mobility devices. The survey was consucted by Abu Dhabi Government during September – October 2011 with 3000 enumerators using Adcensus Application. The survey was a huge success and there were around 20 Lakhs of records populated in the central database using ipads

Online Census /Survey System AdCensus, Statistics Centre - Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Census 2011 aims to provide official statistics and build an updated data- base on the population of the Abu Dhabi Emirate, both UAE nationals and expatriates, living in cities, towns, suburbs and rural areas of the Emirate’s three regions, including Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the Western Region. The census will provide information and statistics that will help decision makers in Abu Dhabi to develop all sectors including education, health and services among others. It will also support the Abu Dhabi gov- ernment's pursuit to deliver the highest standards of living to the community.

ADCensus is a new online Census/survey system and toolkit that would facilitate more effective gathering and analysis of research data, including sophisticated statistical analysis and graphical representation of results in real time. It will provide data re- garding the population and housing characteristics of individuals and Families at the regional level. It will also provide information which can be used in the development of a framework for future social and household surveys.

Business Need (Challenges Identified)

The major challenge is the total process of collecting, processing, tabulation and dis- semination of digital data coverage, without omission or duplication. The project represents the largest statistical field operation ever carried out in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and derives its significance from the fact that secures detailed data on:

  • Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the population
  • Composition and conditions of households
  • Statistics and characteristics of building

Automate all the procedures used for data collection - buildings, households and establishments, using advanced latest technolo- gies. The Control Panels data will be updated automatically. The information should be collected with less human intervention and the data should be processed centrally.

Locate and communicate with the field staff (enumerators) which are in different geographical regions in a timely manner, record their data and save it centrally. Need to send necessary forms to collect data.

One of the major challenge is the full protection of data confidentiality and online communication with the field staff in a timely manner. The statistical reports also should be carried out effectively and efficiently.

How we solved it

ADCensus - an application to manage and conduct demographical survey using mobili- ty devices such as IPad and Android. The administrators and supervisors will manage the survey process through back office and the Enumerators can collect the census data using IPads and Android devices. The ADCensus application is capable of sup- porting 4000+ users in the field. All the data collected through the mobility devices will be synchronized to the central repository.

The system has mainly four modules - Back Office Application, IPAD Survey Applica- tion, GIS Service and Android Survey Application. The Back office module will be used by Administrator, Head Office Administrators/Users, Regional office administrators/ users, Branch office administrators/ Users and Supervisors based on their permis- sions. The hierarchy as well as the roles and permissions are customizable. The Survey application is mainly used by Enumerators, but can be used by everyone in the organi- zation based on their permission. The survey information collected can be reviewed and updated through the Back Office Application. GIS Service provides GIS map and data information to Back Office, Survey modules and enables tracking from GIS data- base.

This online dynamic survey solution offers a wide range of out-of-the-box features that allows the companies/governments to conduct the survey of the buildings, units or the people in the units. It is easier For the survey administrators / controllers / su- pervisors to assign work areas to the enumerators, who will be actually conducting the survey. The Census is conducted using the IPad and the data is synced to the back office. Also the system is integrated with GIS to display detail maps of the survey areas for the enumerators.

What the client Achieved

  • The Abu Dhabi Census collected information about everyone present and/or usually resident in the Emirate on the year 2011. The data collected in the Census will provide population indicators which will give government agencies and other users a firm basis for development and monitoring
  • The project also created the base frame for sample designs for future social and household surveys
  • In addition to using innovative enumeration technologies, such as iPads, during the census, SCAD has been advanced to the development of inventive and flexible tools for disseminating the rich census data. The primary aim of the 2011 Abu Dhabi Census output
  • Abu Dhabi government was able to make large amounts of census data available to users via online statistical tools
  • • The on-line thematic mapping tool allows the user to quickly see census data represented geographically

Connections through a love of travel – Imagine.Explore.Discover


Azuzoo is an online solution for tourism which offers bespoke holiday packages to destinations around Caribbean Islands, South Africa and Asia

Travel companies abound. Getting from A to B and finding somewhere to stay is not so difficult after all, but there are times when you want your travel plans —a holiday or a shorter break — to be a cut above the rest, to be something special, and to offer a quality of service, luxury and experiences that others rarely reach. That is the AZUZOO way.

AZUZOO is an online solution for tourism which offers bespoke holiday packages to destinations around Caribbean islands, South America and Asia. The main advantage of this solution is that it caters to multiple destinations in Caribbean region, South America and Asia rather than Focusing on a particular place. In comparison with other tourist websites, there are more features in Azuzoo to make it more users friendly and useful to the tourists.

Business Need (Challenges Identified)

  • No websites provide customized tour packages
  • Non transparent tour packages connecting multiple destinations
  • Lack of tour packages based upon customer preference
  • Lack of local support /guidance in most of the tourist destination

How we solved it

Any holiday or short break escape is all the more special when made the AZUZOO way because:

  • we are an online travel agency offering bespoke holidays to the Caribbean
  • we are online to give you just a taste of all that the Caribbean and its many islands has to offer as a top-quality, luxury, holiday destination;
  • we specialise in bespoke holidays because we put you first — only you know every secret ingredient that goes into a holiday, the quality of accommodation and service you deserve, the range of activities (or otherwise) you want on hand, the experiences you can enjoy, and the type of setting that suits you;
  • so, by putting you first, we aim to build that holiday around you, your preferences and your lifestyle — rather than offering any off the shelf solution you are likely to find from any other travel agency;
  • we aim to stand out from the crowd — and in doing so, help you to avoid the traps, pitfalls and disappointments of mass tourism;
  • your holiday retreat is a chance to relax, indulge yourself, enjoy the finer things of life and to
  • make the whole experience an unforgettable escape from the wider world outside — we aim to keep it that way.

What the client Achieved

  • AZUZOO has something for everyone, so you can do as much or as little as you like! ( and maybe even discover a new interest! )
  • Azuzoo help people to Full Fill their dreams.
  • Azuzoo able to recognise their customers that have a wide choice of travel options when it comes to Tour Operators and Travel Agents, however their aim is to provide ‘that little bit extra’ — mainly in customer service and support.
  • Azuzoo provides local support/quidance in tourist destinations.
  • Azuzoo provide best service, friendliness, warmth and responsiveness — all key in- gredients of a memorable holiday.

Technologies used

Word Press, PHP, MY SQL, Apache Server

Discovery Shopping Search Engine


Finally became the second largest online shopping site. Later facebook acquired thefind onmarch 2015

Data Engineering Service - USA

TheFind was a discovery shopping search engine. It was the only comparison shopping platform with retail/product based crawling capabilities that rivals that of the Google Shopping platform.

It has been acquired by Facebook

  • TheFind’'s email technical support assistance was made available for their Partners & Customers.
  • A dedicated Technical Support team focused on responding to email queries regarding TheFind’'s products.
  • This was a worldwide project and the Customer Service team's primary role was to provide eight hours per day five days a week, support to TheFind's Partners/Customers on issues

Drop Box was used as the central repository. The repository kept a structure for each of their activities like Email Templates, Escalation Info, Featured Updates, Product Feed Docs, Important Links and Contacts, Informal Policies, Merchant Center Docu- mentation, Reporting.

Business Need (Challenges Identified)

Finding the product needed by the customer was a difficult task since the e-commerce platform was exploited too much. The goal was to achieve a reliable search engine with product catalog with the support of merchant services. In addition to that, the merchants were also facing different quantitative and qualitative problems to pro- vide correct ETL services.

How we solved it

  • Improved Merchant services and sales
  • Better Product feed management
  • Delivered accurate product offers to the customers for sales increase
  • Provided a safe and secure online shopping space
  • High quality data for search Engine
  • Delivered first catalog in iPad and continued with catalog services with different Merchants
  • Precise data point analysis for merchants services

Blockchanin based certification Solution


Eduvalue is the leader In ERF, edutrust consulting and quality assurance in Singapore

The client

Our client, Eduvalue is the leader in ERF, EduTrust Consulting and Quality Assurance in Singapore. By offering options to outsource entire departmental functions, Eduval- ue disrupts the traditional, dated methods of running schools.

The scenario

These days, the authenticity of certificates is a question of trust. Most of the certifi- cates issued are failing to hold its value due to easily available fake certifications. A recent survey has shown that 82% of employers and recruiters do not ask for certifi- cates in interview processes owing to the reason that they could not verify the genu- ineness of the certificate. Our client wanted to build a solution for this problem.

The solution

lcosys is a Blockchain based certification solution which replaces institutions with a tamper-proof infrastructure of trust to hold the reputation of a certification. The cer- tifying authority, be that a college or a course provider, can create and issue a digital certificate secured using encryption, on the public network. The students or recipi- ents can access the certificate in this immutable public network and can print out the certificate if they wish. Moreover, Potential employers can verify the certificate using a decentralized clearing number (DCN) to verify the authenticity of the certificate. Since these certificates are stored on a network that audits itself, it is impossible to tamper with the certificates or create Fake ones. This Solution empowers individuals to hold their own official records and share them directly with others.

Tools and Technology